
Tercera edición de TomaZapatilla donde contamos con varios protagonistas:

  • Carlos Quiñones “Quini”, uno de los protagonistas deportivos de la semana, nos cuenta como afrontó ese momento “panenka” del pasado domingo, analiza la actualidad del equipo y como prepara el partido de la jornada ante la UD Criptanense.
  • Álvaro Castillo “Cory”, también se pasa esta semana por TomaZapatilla para saber qué sintió el senior masculino del Grupo 76 Alkasar en su vuelta al parqué del Díaz-Miguel.
  • España estuvo representada, durante el pasado Mundial “express” de Enduro, entre otros pilotos, por el alcazareño Antonio Carpio. Quién nos cuenta su experiencia participando en dos pruebas mundiales junto a la élite del enduro internacional.
  • El joven, Óscar Lizcano, cuyas lesiones le obligaron a dejar de practicar fútbol (pero no de inculcar los valores del balompié) se encuentra en Canarias, donde hace unas horas nos enterábamos por su fichaje por la UD Lanzarote. Nos cuenta cómo ha ido a parar por las islas afortunadas…
  • Y como cierre de esta tercera edición, analizamos el Fútbol Femenino, junto a una de las personas que más saben en Castilla-La Mancha, Millán Sierra del CD Independiente, el segundo club más longevo de la región.

Titulares, resultados, clasificaciones… y anticipo de próximos capítulos. Espero que lo disfrutéis y que no se os olvide suscribiros en la plataforma que más os guste para recibir todas las notificaciones 😉

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  21. pragmatic play เกมสล็อตออนไลน์ ที่ได้รับความนิยมมากที่สุดในนาทีนี้ เกมสล็อต PG ถือได้ว่าเป็นเกมสล็อตรูปแบบใหม่ สล็อตออนไลน์ โทรศัพท์มือถือแตกง่าย รับประกันยอดคนเล่นมากที่สุด

  22. On April 27 at 7 p.m., Smith will lead a talk about the pieces in the show, his methods, and inspirations via Zoom. Register for this event, as well as view the online version of Smith’s exhibition, at Ten years ago Gravelle was sentenced to five years in jail on drugs and firearms charges; the judge said he considered Gravelle “a reckless and dangerous young man.” He is a nephew of Andre Gravelle, the leading member of a notorious crime family. Century Manor is a historic structure built in 1884 and the only remaining element of the asylum. At HCC, we’re about rolling up our sleeves for a hard day of work, and coming home to enjoy the fruits of our labour. We’re about family values and giving back to the community we love. We’re about inclusion, diversity and respect for our fellow citizens. But above all else, HCC is about the city of Hamilton.
    #8217;s Note: Lisa Lecas from the AMA Media Relations department sent a Nov. 12, 2009 email to with the following statement explaining the policy change: A new approach to cannabis would have multiple financial and economic benefits, as the U.S. and Canadian experiences shows. Italy’s market for recreational consumption is probably worth around 8 billion euros, an average of estimates compiled by National Research Council researcher Piero David shows. Currently this is a boon for local and foreign criminal gangs who dominate the illegal weed market in Italy. But once legalised and taxed at 75%, roughly in line with cigarettes, it would add 6 billion euros a year to Italy’s strained state coffers. More savings would come from fewer trials and jail detentions. Italy has had a legal medical marijuana program since 2013, and is considered the second-largest consumer of licensed medical marijuana in Europe, trailing only Germany.

  23. If you wish to request that your personal information is not shared with third parties, please click on the below opt out button. Please note that after your opt out request is processed, we may still collect your information in order to operate our site. The options are never-ending when it comes to party outfits. While dungarees, plaid shirts, and the like look perfect for the ’90s themed party, pantsuits and monochromes are a must-wear for a Christmas get-together. Casuals will never go wrong for any house party. So, take your inspiration from the party outfit ideas mentioned above and get ready to look like a showstopper. Just ensure that your dress is as comfortable as it is glamorous. It is time for you to steal the show and win endless compliments!
    Islamic Women Latest Arrival Oem Custom Moroccan Style Embroidery Kimono Abaya Indian Clothing Wholesale Jubah Muslimah Woman Get Help Happy World Hijab Day, VELA girls! While we believe in celebrating hijab and those who wear it every day, we’re taking the opportunity to highlight… Prefer to keep it local? Actually, many of our wardrobe staples like the baju kurung or baju kebaya are also suitable for use at the office or to formal events. The trick lies in styling the traditional outfit so it is suitable for use at the workplace! Jeans are an everyday staple and require minimal effort. Wear it with any top, be it short Kurti or a shift dress, and maintain your style. For office wear, you need to step out of college-style that is sneakers and joggers and wear Footwear that looks formal. Put on your hijab and grab your bag. You are ready to go.

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  29. The Morphe x Ariel collection will retail for $49 to $98 and will be available beginning May 27 on  You can shop the Morphe x Ariel makeup brush collection starting now on the brand’s site and Using his expertise, Ariel meticulously developed, tested, and perfected this elite 12-piece face and eye set. So, as you bounce, pat, swipe, and blend, it’s as if Ariel, himself, is applying his Signature Look on you. ” Morphe Rose Baes Brush Collection STILA – Magnificent Metals Glitter Glow Liquid Eye Shadow – Smoldering Satin Brushes are fundamental to makeup. Without the right tools, it’s lot harder to make a beautiful finished product. There are so many brushes that are incredible but they’re too pricey. I wanted to create a brush collection that was top tier without breaking the bank.
    What it is:A deluxe eyeshadow palette with eight versatile shades, from natural-looking to smoky and bold, for creating perfect day to night looks.What it does: This palette features Black Honey-inspired favorites to mix, match, and layer. These versatile shades are flattering on all skin tones. They’re natural enough for daytime wear, and can also be used to create depth and dimension for evening. The long-wearing shades are crease- and fade-resistant and encased in a deluxe-size, mirrored compact with a dual-ended sponge applicator. Long lasting eyeshadow with intense pigments for a perfect finish all day long. Der Pinkschimmerstift bringt deine Augen zum Strahlen und ist vor allem für Ungeübte das ideale Multitalent für den Alltag. Der rosa metallische Schimmer setzt vor allem braune, blaue und grüne Augen in Szene.

  30. Justin Thomas and Dustin Johnson are next in line at around +1400, and I imagine JT will be the most popular play from this range. The ball-striking has been in good shape, racking up top 10s at Valspar, Genesis and the Waste Management in his prep for the Masters. He’s played well here, as well, finishing in the top-25 five straight years. But so far, he’s never really been in contention yet to win. The Masters is unique for so many reasons, one of which is that it’s the smallest field of any Major Championship. Just over 90 golfers will tee it up on Thursday (April 7) with the top-50 players and ties making it through to the weekend. Another wrinkle is that the field includes a handful of former champions from decades ago, as well as a few amateurs, thus making it a pretty easy cut line to get across.
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