
El ayuntamiento de Alcázar de San Juan, a través de la concejalía de Deportes, ha sustituido las luminarias de la pista y de las gradas del pabellón polideportivo Antonio Díaz-Miguel, por un sistema de iluminación LED. Esta acción supondrá la reducción de ahorro energético y económico además de proporcionar una mayor luminosidad.

La modernización de la iluminación del pabellón está enmarcado dentro del programa de ahorro energético contenido en la EDUSI que el ayuntamiento de Alcázar de San Juan está llevando a cabo en todos los edificios de propiedad municipal con la cofinanciación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) dentro del Programa Operativo Plurrirregional de España (POPE) 2014-2020.

La renovación ha consistido en la sustitución de 32 luminarias de la pista, con una potencia de 400 W y las 16 pantallas instaladas sobre las gradas de 116 W. Se pasa de una potencia instalada de 15,46 kW que tenía la iluminación tradicional a una potencia de 6,53 kW, lo que supone una reducción del 57,75% de potencia instalada.

Igualmente, se reduce el consumo energético en 19.650,4 kwh anuales que supondrá la reducción de emisiones de 6681.14 Kg de CO2.

En cuanto al ahorro del consumo eléctrico será de 2950 € anuales. La instalación de la nueva iluminación ha ascendido a 9.331,15 € y ha corrido a cargo del personal del servicio de Alumbrado del Ayuntamiento. La inversión estará amortizada en tres años.

Igualmente, el ayuntamiento de Alcázar ha tomado otras medidas para el ahorro energético, como el cambio de iluminación de la casa consistorial por luces led y la sustitución de la caldera de gasoil del CEIP Alces por una caldera de gas natural.


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    Overcooked! 2 is a fast-paced co-op game developed by Team17 and Ghost Town Games. As the title implies, it is the sequel to Overcooked. Both are essentially the same game and have similar mechanics, but the sequel is just slightly superior. In Overcooked! 2, players must join together and save the Onion Kingdom by successfully running restaurants set in wild, imaginative kitchens. It also has a ton of DLCs, so there’s a lot of content to explore with this one. In Unravel 2, players can play alone and switch between the yarn dolls, but it’s much more enjoyable to partner up with a friend. Unravel 2 depends on the collaborative aspect, and most puzzles require some teamwork. The game’s levels are beautifully designed and its soundtrack is amazing. Players who want to dive into another whimsical platformer with their friends after completing It Takes Two should definitely take a look at Unravel 2.

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  29. Richard Juilliart/Uefa via Getty Images The 2023 FA Cup final is going to be a special one. For the first time in the history of this tournament Manchester City and Manchester United made it to the final. Belgium beats Denmark 2-1 as de Bryune scores and Belgium takes lead in second half. Check Denmark vs Belgium highlights and match reports here Irish FA Chief Executive Patrick Nelson said: “This is a unique opportunity for Northern Ireland to be part of a world class partnership bid to host the greatest ever UEFA European Football Championships and deliver a legacy of Football for All, Football for Good and Football for the Future. For Italy fans, they’ll be hoping their beloved Azzurri can become just the fourth nation with multiple UEFA European Championships, joining Germany (3), Spain (3) and France (2). Italy won the competition in 1968, and were runners-up in 2000 and 2012.
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  39. Over the next few quarters, there are several catalysts I’m watching that could send biotech and pharma stocks higher. Stocks: 15 20 minute delay (Cboe BZX is real-time), ET. Volume reflects consolidated markets. Futures and Forex: 10 or 15 minute delay, CT. Market Data powered by Barchart Solutions. Fundamental data provided by Zacks and Morningstar. The Florida native Fortress Biotech has eight medicines on the market, including drugs for the treatment of excessive underarm sweating and severe acne. The company has another 30 programs being developed in-house and at partner and subsidiary firms. SAN DIEGO and SUZHOU, China, April 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagene Inc. (“Adagene”) (Nasdaq: ADAG), a platform-driven, clinical-stage biotechnology company transforming the discovery and development of novel antibody-based therapies today announced updates to its board of directors (the “Board”), including the following: Mervyn Turner, Ph.D., is appointed as a director. Dr. Turner… Read more
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